The Book Thief

Book Thief

What did Walter Kugler give Max before he left?

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Walter gave Max food, a copy of Mein Kampf, a key, a map, and directions. He also brought him a ticket for the train.

That was their last meeting. A final package was left in the corner, and this time, there was a ticket. Walter opened Mein Kampf and slid it inside, next to the map he’d brought with the book itself. “Page thirteen.” He smiled. “For luck, yes?”
“For luck,” and the two of them embraced.
When the door shut, Max opened the book and examined the ticket. Stuttgart to Munich to Pasing. It left in two days, in the night, just in time to make the last connection. From there, he would walk. The map was already in his head, folded in quarters. The key was still taped to the inside cover.


The Book Thief