The Bone Wars

What is the author's purpose in the novel, The Bone Wars?

The Bone Wars

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Last updated by Jill W
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The Bone Wars is carefully crafted to entertain while it makes its points. The author uses a well-known and beloved period of history as a stage for an exciting story and a cautionary tale about the hazards of prejudice. Those like Julian and Thad who see the world around them with clear and unbiased eyes survive and flourish; those who do not, like Julian's haughty father Algernon and the ruthless George Custer, perish spectacularly. Lasky creates exceptional depth by incorporating important characters whose mission it is to uncover the vast ancient history of the land into her story. Her characters grow just like living people do, especially Thad and Julian as they grow into young manhood, gradually separating from their elders and developing their own mission in life. All these things are woven together in a well-paced tale, rich in action and character that leads to a spectacular double climax and epilogue.

