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This book is a compilation of fifteen years of travel. Rita writes about her experiences at the end of the fifteen years. She changes some of the names and take some liberty with the chronology. Some of the chapters come from different books that she has written, such as her Nicaragua experience.

"Tales of a Female Nomad" is a reflection, not only of the adventures and the different people that she met, but also of the lessons learned. Many chapters end with contemplation over what has happened to Rita, and how it affects her. Rita has a unique appreciation for nearly everyone she meets. She is nonjudgmental for the most part, and the times where she does judge, she points it out as if it's a negative trait that she just can't control based on a unique situations.

The book shows how Rita makes a decision to travel to various locations. It shows her strategies for meeting members of a culture, and learning how to live with them. Fitting into a community, especially one that speaks a different language, is challenging, and this book shows how Rita does it repetitively.


Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World