Suite Scarlett

Who is Scarlett Martin from Suite Scarlett and what is their importance?

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Scarlett Martin is the protagonist of "Suite Scarlett." She is a fifteen-year-old girl whose family owns a small hotel in New York City. Scarlett has blonde curly hair, and she is very close to her older brother, Spencer. After Scarlett receives the key to the Empire Suite on her fifteenth birthday and her parents give Spencer three days to get an acting job before forcing him to attend culinary school, Mrs. Amberson checks into the Empire Suite. Mrs. Amberson decides to hire Scarlett as her assistant after determining that she is going to write a book about her life, and because of this, Mr. and Mrs. Martin agree to let Spencer act in a production of "Hamlet" after he gets the role of Guildenstern. While helping Spencer practice his lines, Scarlett meets and is enthralled by Eric, Spencer's scene partner. When the play's practice space is condemned, Scarlet and Spencer sneak the cast into the basement to rehearse; however, when Mrs. Martin catches them, Mrs. Amberson claims it was her idea because she has decided to financially back the play in exchange for being made the co-director. Mrs. Amberson arranges for the cast to be coached by the famous Billy Whitehouse, but when she learns that her nemesis Donna Spendler is up for a role on Broadway, she sets Donna up for a fake TV audition, causing Donna to lose her Broadway role and shave her hair with the assistance of Scarlett, Spencer and Eric.