Suite Française

Who is Madame Angellier from Suite Franaise and what is their importance?

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Madame Angellier is a bitter woman, whose life has been so greatly altered by her son's death that she is unable to feel anything but hatred and resentment. She resents her daughter-in-law for what she perceives is a lack of grief, and she is angry that Lucile is healthy and safe while Gaston is not. She despises Bruno, who shows her only polite respect and kindness, and she wishes a death by fire for him. She is understandably upset at having her home taken over by a German, who has also taken over her missing son's office for his work. When Madame realizes that her daughter-in-law is actually developing a friendship with Bruno, it is more than she can take. She locks herself in her bedroom, where she play-acts, pretending her son is home and re-living moments of his childhood.


Suite Francaise