Strangers on a Train

STRANGERS ON A TRAIN: What are the two small objects in this movie that links several characters together and how do they do that? You cannot use them for your answer to question #5! (It is not a gun or a phone or a carousel or the train or a person!)


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There are multiple visual images of doubles of objects and people in the film, and the opening sequence is the foundation for this. There are two taxis, two railway tracks, two men talking. There are two pairs of feet, one belonging to Guy, the other to Bruno. Bruno also references the motif himself, ordering doubles at the bar and joking about it. There are also doubles of many of the characters; there are two Morton sisters, for example, and Barbara Morton is also part of a double with Miriam Haines and the two women are so visually similar that seeing Barbara gives Bruno flashbacks to the moment he was strangling Miriam. At the amusement park, there are two park employees, two carousel operators and two cops - everything in the film follows the motif and consequently this reminds us of the seemingly squeaky-clean Guy's double life.

