Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

What are some good essay topics on Jekyll and Hyde?


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Essay Topic 1

One of the main characters in the book is G.J. Utterson, a lawyer. Utterson works for Dr. Jekyll among other clients and has great insight into his friend of many years. Why was Utterson a good choice as a main character? Do you think the story would have been better without him?

Essay Topic 2

Dr. Jekyll exhibits peculiar behavior from the very start. How much of this behavior was created by the presence of Hyde? Do you think Jekyll had other personality disorders? If so, what were the symptoms? What could have prevented him from going over the edge?

Essay Topic 3

The author uses a series of flashbacks throughout the book in order to explain the behaviors of some of the characters. Do you think the use of flashback was effective or did it cause a deficiency in the story?

