Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel

Who is Nefertiti from Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel and what is their importance?

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Nefertiti is a mysterious figure in Egyptian history. She is described as the beautiful, conniving daughter of the scheming priest. She is married to Pharaoh Akhnaton. Early on in the novel, Nefertiti is shown caring only about fashion, but she soon proves her intelligence and guile. Overlooked when her husband dies, Nefertiti fails to seduce Horemheb but convinces the vain Princess Bakematon that she must liberate Egypt from the low-born by marrying a Hittite prince. Horemheb and Eie uncover their plot and put the women under guard, and Nefertiti disappears from the story.


Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel