
What happens in the denouement? If you were Melinda, would you feel optimistic or pessimistic about your future? Explain your answer.


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On the last day of school, Mr. Freeman lets Melinda stay to finish her tree project. A group of seniors stop by to say goodbye to Mr. Freeman and one of the girls tells Melinda that she hopes she is okay. By sundown on the day of her second attack, everyone at school had heard about Andy and Melinda. Melinda finds herself, with only hours left in the school year, suddenly popular. Rachel reaches out to her again. Melinda now realizes that she can move past August, Andy, and the rape. She knows she can grow. When Melinda turns in her tree picture to Mr. Freeman he tells her that she has earned an A+. He says that he knows she has had a tough year. Melinda, on the verge of tears, feels her throat loosen. She knows now that she is ready to talk. She proceeds to tell Mr. Freeman the entire story. Thus, in the end, I think Melissa has every reason to be optimistic about her future.