Smiles to Go

What happened in pg. 223?

what happend in pd223

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I'm not sure about pg. 223, but in this section, Will describes how his mother spends all her time with Tabby, but how being with her for long periods makes him restless. He goes out for a run through the town, and winds up back at the house, where he contemplates Ozzie's jelly-bean tummy and finds a voice mail message from Mi Su, saying she's canceled her date with Danny. Back at the hospital, Will is left alone with Tabby while his dad takes his mom home to shower and change. He is, at first, scared to touch her, but finally does, remembering how often she'd been told to hold his hand while crossing the street. He starts to read to her, but after a few moments lifts one of her eyelids and sees that her eyes are a brilliant green that is somehow familiar. That night he has another dream, in which he's buried underground while above him, first BT then Tabby are looking for him with a metal detector


Smiles to Go