Sisters of Isis: The Summoning

Who is Meri from Sisters of Isis: The Summoning and what is their importance?

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Meri is the daughter of a United States Senator who is a likely Presidential candidate. As such, she attends an exclusive private school and has bodyguards who follow her everywhere, partly for her protection and partly to make sure she does not do anything to embarrass her mother and ruin her ambitions.

Meri is shocked when she is summoned to meet Abdel, who tells her that she is descended from ancient Egyptian pharaohs and must use her powers to fight the evil forces that are trying to destroy the world, but like Sudi and Dalila, she is forced to believe when she experiences a series of strange events. Among other things, she has the power of transmutation, which enables her to transform herself into a cat and communicate with other cats.

Having led a very protected life, Meri has had no experience with boys and has not even been kissed yet. In fact, her experience is so limited that when she tries to flirt with a boy at a party, her nerves cause her to begin transforming, putting an end to any opportunity to pursue a relationship.