Shadow of the Giant

How does the author use foreshadowing in Shadow of the Giant?

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In Chapter Three, Card develops the theme of Ender's Jeesh, as he introduces two of its former members as world leaders. This development raises tension with the possibility of putting others from the Jeesh into a spot where they will have to choose sides in the unstable world. Muslims led by Caliph Alai are in conflict with Han Tzu, the new leader in China. This plot thread builds conflict as these complex relationships hold room for admiration, suspicion and plenty of discord both internal and external. Subtle foreshadowing of a future relationship between Peter and Petra is also introduced, when Peter marvels at how Bean can live with Petra, but then for a brief moment wonders what it would be like if she looked at him with the same love she has for Bean. This possibility becomes more concrete when Alai also points to the fact that Peter wants Petra to be his ally after Bean dies from his gigantism.


Shadow of the Giant