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Woody Allen is an America film director of movies such as Manhattan and Annie Hall. Klosterman credits Allen with allowing nerdy males of generation X to have sexual relationships with pretty women. According to him, Allen presented the concept in film that intellectual wit was a stimulating quality, and as a result, relationships stemming from intellect were more satisfying than those stemming from sexuality. Because of Allen's films, which often revolved around Allen himself as the nerdy character, intellectual men were seen as desirable. It became not only popular to have intellect as the focus of relationships, but also a main component, and to Klosterman, this represents pure genius. Most women who saw Allen as a person, he reminds readers, wouldn't classify him as sexy or desirable, but through his films, those like him became just that. The emphasis was placed on the essence of happiness as opposed to beauty, and this, Klosterman notes, was the reason he and many others were able to have sex with anyone who was remotely attractive.