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Will Wright, who works for Electronic Arts, is the creator of the Sims game series. Sims, a role playing game of reality, began with SimCity, where players could build cities and manage them. Next came SimEarth where players helped evolution by creating a proper planet. The Sims, though, was a game where players actually created computer versions of people, and led them through their normal lives of drinking, eating, working, sleeping, showering, and enjoying life. When Klosterman plays The Sims and begins to question its motives, he calls Wright. Wright explains that the Sims sometimes allows people to see something within themselves they otherwise were unaware of. He notes that the goal of The Sims is to show that although buying new technology and other goodies makes a person (or a Sim) happy, those material possessions eventually explode, causing grief and anguish. In reality, happiness is fostered by relationships, which is why Sims are able to marry, have children, and have friends. Wright also explains that people, on first playing the game, often see themselves as God, and do experiments on their Sim, such as locking them in a room without food or water. However, he notes, at some point that power becomes boring, as there is no one pushing back.