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Randy Trask is the front man for a Guns N Roses cover band called Paradise City. Trask plays the role of Axl Rose, the singer of Guns N Roses. Trask does not believe he and his band represent GNR, but that they are a tribute to them as a band. First and foremost, Trask seeks to ensure that the dignity of the band is maintained, which is a concept Klosterman finds humorous, since the real band never sought dignity. Trask informs Klosterman that the band members are in a cover band because it allows them pre-made fans and arenas where they can play and be paid. Many original bands, he notes, have to pay an arena to play there, only to have very few people show up. To Trask, a cover band of GNR allows the group to live the life of GNR while still making a living.