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John Cusack is an American actor who played primary teen roles during the 80s and 90s. In particular, cusack played the character of Lloyd Dobler in a film called 'Say Anything' with Ione Sky. In the film, Cusack's role was one of a gentle, caring, honest, sincere teen who adored Ione's character. Klosterman notes that miost women of generation X fell in love with this character, and that this is who they dream of when they think of the ideal man. Unfortunately, Klosterman points out, this character is not real, and is unattainable. It is not Cusack women want, Klosterman assures readers, but the character of Lloyd Dobler. Women can see other films of Cusack's such as Grosse Pointe Blank and not have the same passionate reaction, but with Say Anything, the desire for Cusack is clear. Klosterman blames Cusack for his inability to please women, in that Cusack has led an example that is not replicable.