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The Arab Revolt was the Arab struggle to free themselves from Turkish domination as part of the Ottoman Empire. The Turks had begun to move into the Arab regions during the Middle Ages, first as servants and then as conquerors. As conquerors, they tried to banish the Arab language and other parts of the Arab culture. They tried to replace things Arabic with things Turkish and subdue the Turkish identity. The Turkish ruled the Arab region, which was a region of tribes who held their allegiance to the King. The tribes and other people of the region are united basically in the Arabic language. Like all people, they desired to be free of foreigners and have their own Arab state. This quest for freedom is an underlying theme of the book, especially with the main characters of Hussein, Feisal, Ali, Abdulla, and Zeid and the other Arab leaders. This desire to achieve freedom motivated all of their actions, their willingness to endure hard times, fight battles, and take risks.