Sea Change

Who is Kelly Cruz from Sea Change and what is their importance?

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Kelly Cruz is a detective with the Fort Lauderdale Police Department who works on the Florence Horvath murder case with Jesse; she checks into the places and people in South Florida that are important to the case. Cruz is in her mid-30s, has been a detective for five years, and is the single mother of two young sons. She is a smart, dedicated cop who follows up the leads Jesse provides her with from his investigation in Paradise while also generating a number of leads in the case herself. Her insights into Mr. and Mrs. Plum, as well as her pursuit of what at first seem to be insignificant facts, are crucial to solving Florence Horvath's murder. Since she has her own regular duties to perform as a Fort Lauderdale police detective she spends a lot of her own time working on the Horvath case because she, like Jesse, needs to know the truth.