Scribbler of Dreams

Who is Bram Crutchfield from Scribbler of Dreams and what is their importance?

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Bram Crutchfield from Scribbler of Dreams is a senior at the high school where the main character, Kaitlin ends up attending school. His family's land has been sold to various organizations in the town, making them very wealthy. Bram is a nice kid, despite the fact that he has money. His only flaw is that he deeply hates the Malones, a rival family in town. Their family and the Malone family have had a generations long blood feud. He dates a girl named Kaitlin Hampton, but later discovers that her last name is Malone. This wounds him to the core and he refuses to speak to her. Later, though, he realizes why she did what she did and hopes that their courtship will help med things between the families.