Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

How did Cassie act more mature later in the book?

Like what made her act more mauture through the rest of the book

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Over the course of the novel, Cassie experiences many things, many of which she doesn't understand. As she matures, Cassie comes to understand the importance of the land, the precarious position of her family as landowners in the south, and the effects of racism on her friends and neighbors.

Cassie also learns that in this world of racism, there are white people who can be trusted..... that she shouldn't base her opinions of people on the color of their skin, anymore than people should base their feelings on hers. In addition, Cassie learns that violence is not always the answer, as evidenced in her father's quick thinking and selflessness, when he started his own crops on fire to save TJ from the mob.


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry