Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha

Does the life and character of Paddy Clarke create a sympathetic or unsympathetic response in the reader? Give THREE reasons why in your argument.

Does the life and character of Paddy Clarke create a sympathetic or unsympathetic response in the reader? Give THREE reasons why in your argument.

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In my opinion, Paddy is definitely a sympathetic character. He is a smart, young man, but he tends to get himself into trouble by hanging out with the wrong group, and allowing them to influence his actions.... namely, Kevin. His homelife is also in the midst of an upheaval.... his parents are fighting, and although he thinks he can help in their conflict, he is unsuccessful. His mother is being abused, his younger brother is being bullied, and Paddy..... he's stuck in the middle trying to solve it all.


Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha