Out to Canaan

What is the main conflict in Out to Canaan by Jan Karon?

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Father Tim is a man who makes decisions based on instinct. Father Tim becomes aware that something is wrong with the mayoral election that is going on in his town. Father Tim wants to interfere, to warn the townspeople that someone rich and powerful is behind the election, but is encouraged by his bishop to keep his mouth shut. Father Tim also finds himself struggling with the church's possession of Fernbank, the ancestral home of his deceased friend, Miss Sadie. A large development company wants to buy the house, but thankfully a local man comes through with the money to buy the house at the last minute. Rather than turn the property into a spa, the house is to be a family home and small restaurant.

While trying to help his friends and congregation make good decisions in their own lives, Father Tim is also struggling with his own decision to retire. Father Tim learns that the house he lives in, the rectory, is scheduled to be sold before he retires. Father Tim decides to buy the house himself. When he retires, Father Tim plans to rent the house out and move into his wife's small house next door. Father Tim also finds himself struggling with a full house, including his wife and son, after being a bachelor for more than five decades. It is difficult getting used to the noise, but Father Tim quickly discovers he loves the chaos.


Out to Canaan