Other Voices, Other Rooms

What are the motifs in Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote?

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The quest for love is an important recurring idea in the book, primarily in the character of Joel, who seeks it in almost everyone he encounters. Joel had never known his father and his mother dies at an early age, leaving Joel a virtual orphan. Joel is sent to live with his Aunt Ellen who loves him, but Joel needs more attention than that bestowed on him in a household of five other children. Joel misbehaves and cuts school in obvious attempts for attention that never comes. The invitation to come live at Skully's Landing lightens Joel's heart at the thought of connecting with his father and forging a bond, but Joel's hopes are dashed when he finds that his father is a paralyzed invalid, unable to communicate. Missouri becomes almost a surrogate mother figure to Joel and he begs her to love him and take him with her when she leaves for Washington DC. J