Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats

Name two characters in the story. One has to be Jennyanydots.

Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot (The Old Gumbie Cat)

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Last updated by Jill W
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Jennyanydots is the cat the Gumbie cat mentioned in the first chapter of the book. Jennyanydots spends her time taking care of her household and everyone in it, down to the mice and insects. She is a considerate cat who is concerned about everyone in her house. She is a tabby cat and has spots and tiger stripes on her coat.

Growltiger is an infamous character referred to as a Bravo cat. He is feared throughout London, not only by cats, but by dogs and humans, as well. His coat is rumpled and he is missing one ear and one eye. A Siamese cat tore off his ear, and his hatred of Chinese cats is legendary.

