Of Mice and Men

In Of Mice and Men, how are hope, escape, and identification portrayed through Lennie and George?

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In Mice and Men hope is portrayed throughout the story as Lennie and George hope to gain enough money to fulfill their dream of having a ranch of their own. Each time they have to leave a place (for one reason or another) they always have this vision of their dream before them. This is also their escape. Whenever things get too harsh for them or cirucumstances appear overwhelming they begin to daydream about their ranch and how it will be. Lastly, identification with the lost American dream is identified using both characters. Neither will ever attain their dream and thus the American Dream is identified as being broken and unreachable for ordinary people. LIkewise, both George and Lennie identify themselves through each other. George takes care of Lennie. He sees himself as his protector and benefactor. Lennie sees himself as belonging to George (as a brother or a son). without George he is lost.