No Exit

Can the characters change their fates?


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Nothing will change for any of the characters in No Exit, as the choices they made while living are directly responsible for their sentence in hell. Each one of them made irresponsible and immoral choices during his or her lifetime. Garcin teased and abused his wife. He also brought home another woman and slept with her while his wife was in the house. She served them coffee in bed. While married, Estelle ran away with her young lover. She bore him a child, then murdered it in front of him. He later committed suicide because of the incident. Inez was a sadist. She lived with her cousin and his wife, Florence, and seduced her away from him. When her cousin died in a tram accident, she tortured the wife by saying that their affair led to his death. Inez's actions led the wife to turn on the gas stove during the night, murdering them both. Each character chose to commit theses crimes, and for these crimes they were condemned. Consequently, they will torture each other over their weaknesses for eternity.


No Exit