Ninth Key

What is the author's style in Ninth Key by Meg Cabot?

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The Mediator #2: Ninth Key is written from a first-person point of view as the main character, Susannah Simon, has a direct dialogue with the reader. This first-person style draws the reader into the story, and essentially befriends whoever reads the novel. The point of view falls directly in line with what matters to the teenage Susannah, having an engaging personality that attracts many friends, including a boyfriend.

This first-person narrative ties into the teenage coming of age novel; the "I" voice reflects the selfishness of a child, whereby the child thinks more of him or herself than others. In other words, the story is all about Susannah. Finally, the first-person point of view works well with mystery novels because the details of the mystery are disclosed to the audience at the same time as they are disclosed to the main character.


Ninth Key