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Wayne State University School of Medicine was the location of Erickson's position as Associate Professor of Psychiatry and the central location for events discussed in the book. He eventually became a full professor at the university's graduate school. While in Michigan, Erickson also served briefly as a Visiting Professor of Clinical Psychology at Michigan State University and as the Director of Psychiatric Research and Training at Wayne County General Hospital.

Founded in 1868, Wayne State University School of Medicine is the largest all inclusive medical school in the U.S. Located in Detroit, Wayne State is well known for its MD and PhD programs as well as programs to serve indigent or under-insured patients. The school also remains the only medical school located in Detroit.

Wayne State is also where Erickson met a young met a young psychology student and lab assistant named Elizabeth. The couple was married in 1936 and went on to work together on a number of projects including various papers which they co-authored.


My Voice Will Go with You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.