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The tone of "My Voice Will Go with You" is relatively objective and overall is not highly affected by the author.

Dr. Sidney Rosen allows opinions and anecdotes to shine through in various comments throughout the book, yet there is no hint of personalization in the analysis of Erickson's work. Rosen seems to be content adding vignettes and relative tales without hindering or overshadowing Erickson's own tales and works. The analysis by Rosen is purely objective and lends a great deal of insight to Erickson's methods and experiences. This is particularly helpful to readers who may not have experience in any of the sciences related to Erickson's work, such as hypnotherapy, psychiatry, psychology, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. The explanations are also useful to people in other fields of medicine that may not be well versed in the effect of the psyche on a patient's physical health.

By explaining some of the techniques used in Erickson's practice, Rosen allows readers to realize the simplicity of the work and how it may be more effective than years of traditional therapies.

At no time does Rosen attempt to defend or supplement Erickson's work, rather, the author allows the reader to draw his own conclusions.


My Voice Will Go with You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.