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"My Voice Will Go with You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson, M.D." by Sidney Rosen is a non-fiction work that is 253 pages in length. The book is divided into 13 chapters. The shortest chapter is three pages; the longest chapter is 44 pages. The average page length of the work is 16 pages.

Each chapter is well paced, with clear separations between tales and topics of interest. While each main topic or tenet warrants its own chapter, there is a progression in the book that allows the reader to follow Erickson's techniques.

Each chapter also contains studies, anecdotes and stories relevant to the chapter's topic. Each story is clearly defined and all inclusive so that the reader will have the opportunity to refer to a specific subject, patient or anecdote without a great degree of difficulty.

The language used in the book is easy to understand and avoids using a great deal of technical references or terminology. The language meshes well with the informal method of story telling and undoubtedly makes a difficult subject much easier to understand for those not in any relevant professions. The tone is also conversational to such a degree that the tales feel like a story being swapped between friends or colleagues rather than through a medical journal.

