My Soul to Keep

In my Soul to Keep novel, discuss the change in the way their relationship is viewed by Jessica.  How is her view of her marriage changed by the novel's end? 

Dawit attempts to transform Jessica to sustain their relationship. In other words, he attempts to shape and control her. Ironically, their relationship suffers. Discuss the change in the way their relationship is viewed by Jessica. How is her view of her marriage changed by the novel's end?

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An aspect of life that Jessica believes in very strongly is the idea that nothing happens without a reason. She believes there is a reason that she married her professor husband. She believes there is a reason why her husband turned out to be such an unusual person. As Jessica learns more about her husband, and learns more about what he has done in his recent past, she becomes more and more uncertain about the direction in which her life is going.

After Jessica receives her immortality from Dawit, she seems to become even more torn about the direction in which her life has gone. She and her sister are healing children. They are using the miracle of the blood in a way that helps people, not just in a way that benefits them alone. Jessica realizes though that her family will grow old and die. She will be left alone with her cat, and perhaps her daughter Beatrice who may or may not have inherited immortality from her mother and father. She faces the knowledge that one day the only person that she will have left is Dawit. Despite all that he has done to her and all that he has taken away from her, Jessica knows that she still loves Dawit. In the last chapter of the novel, Jessica is seeking time that she can spend alone searching herself and her Bible for answers.


My Soul to Keep