Misty of Chincoteague

Can you give me a summary of Misty of Chincoteague? For my essay? I will give my questions in the description. Thank you 😊 or if possible a link.

Write 2 or 3 sentences about the times when the children displayed patience in working toward this goal.

Times when Paul and Maureen show self-sacrifice in dealing each other andtheir horses.

Sentences that summarize the main ideas of the second and third paragraphs.(the answer to my two questions)

That's all thank you

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Write 2 or 3 sentences about the times when the children displayed patience in working toward this goal.

I think it was more Paul than his sister showing patience and work ethic.Paul goes through many rites of passage in the book. First, he works on the island doing odd jobs so that he and Maureen can earn enough money to buy a horse the following year. After a year's commitment to this, they have enough money. Then, the next year, he is old enough to help build the pens and corrals that will be needed in the round up. Later, the reader sees him on the roundup, dealing with the other men and joining them in the tradition of the roundup. Lastly, the reader sees Paul as he makes the decision to give Phantom back her freedom.