Miracle Creek

What is The Miracle Submarine?


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The Miracle Submarine is symbolic for the womb and parenting. The Miracle Submarine encases all of the hopes and dreams of the Yoo family and runs parallel with all of the hopes and dreams parents have for their children. Despite the best of intentions, the Miracle Submarine literally and figuratively goes up in smoke. In the final chapter, Young describes the Miracle Submarine being removed from the property. As the sun rises, the Miracle Submarine looks as it had at its inception: shiny, new, and full of promise. Young describes the vessel in stages, in conjunction with the progression of the day which runs parallel with childbirth. She remarks that "for a second, the light was so bright that a halo encircled the submarine, hiding its imperfections" (346). Her description symbolizes the perfection of a newborn and all of the promise parents pour into their children. Yet time proves humans fallible and Young describes the imperfections closing with an image of "the whole talk tilted like a man with a cane" (346). Young is reflecting on the cycle of life, from the promising beginnings to the unexpected, unanticipated progressions.