Minor Feelings

Analysis of this particular quote

What is an analysis for this particular quote?

One characteristic of racism is that children are treated like adults and adults are treated like children. Watching a parent being debased like a child is the deepest shame. I cannot count the number of times I have seen my parents condescended to or mocked by white adults. This was so customary that when my mother had any encounter with a white adult, I was always hypervigilant, ready to mediate or pull her away. To grow up Asian in America is to witness the humiliation of authority figures like your parents and to learn not to depend on them: they cannot protect you.” (77)

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This is a disturbing reality today, especially as anti-Asian hate incidents increase. The ignorance of racism has far reaching effects. It is sad when children feel they must mediate hatred hurled against their own parents simply because they look different. Negativity only causes more negativity and the innocent usually suffer.