Memories, Dreams, Reflections

What is the author's style in Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C. G. Jung?

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This book came into being when he was an old man, over eighty years old. He was able to do it by working with a much younger but well full grown individual. The work is actually autobiographical. It is specifically because of the connections between the subjective mind and the objective truth that this might be of value for those interested in Jungian psychology. Naturally it is also handy for "fans" of Jung.

Developed decades after Jung had completed the bulk of his life's work, including the volumes of his new form of psychology, it is not clear whether or not he knew how extensive the influence of his research and theoretical writings on psychology would become. His work has only grown since his death, thanks in part to translations. People have studied, tested, experimented, and otherwise worked with his theories to find out whether or not they work. Now "road tested", Jung's work has moved from the avant garde and marginal into the widely respected, and so well liked that it has been popularized and "fed to the masses" in forms designed to enhance its accessibility.


Memories, Dreams, Reflections