
Is lady Macbeth a tragic hero?

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Macbeth would be considered the tragic hero of the play but there is no doubt that Lady Macbeth is a tragic figure also. she is a loyal and devoted wife and will do anything to fulfill the witches' prophecy of kingship. In Act 1 Scene 5 when she is introduced to the audience her famous raven speech where she calls on spiritis proves that she is strong but willing to sacrifice herself for her husband. At the end of the play, in Act 1 Scene 5 she is a shadow of her former self. She is unable to sleep and is seen walking and talking in her sleep. Her death at the end of the play is ammbiguous and we do not Know if she has committed suicide, but there can be no doubt that her involvement in the murder of Duncan and her growing estrangement for her husband have affected her deeply a and this is why she is a tragic figure in this play.