Look Back in Anger

How would you describe Jimmy and Alison's marriage?

Comparing how they were before their marriage and after their marriage would u say there was ever love between them??

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I don't know that I would define the couple as in love, or even loving toward each other. We might infer that if there was love, it was quickly erased by the differences between the two of them. I've often thought that Jimmy may have married Alison because he truly loved her.... and if he didn't that he married her because she represented something he wanted to attain, but unfortunately, something he resented.... even hated.

Alison, on the other hand, married Jimmy because he wasn't the "appropriate" husband. Their relationship was frowned upon.... the perfect rebellion for a young woman trying to shake off parental control. For Alison, however, the rebellion was short-lived, as she never really abandoned her unbringing and remained detached.... unable to truly let go of her "proper" upbringing, something that alienated her from Jimmy from the beginning, and the one thing that left her open to his abuse.


Look Back in Anger