Long Time Coming

Who is David Hibbs from Long Time Coming and what is their importance?

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David Hibbs is the son of Sharon Hibbs and Law Kincaid. Over the course of the story, he turns sixteen. David is described as athletic, well-adjusted and responsible. After meeting him, Law believes that David has turned out as he has because of Marnie's involvement in his life. David was only four when his mother, Sharon, died in a car accident. Marnie fought to gain legal custody of David, even though she was only eighteen at the time.

David grew up in his grandparents home with Marnie in the role of "mother." He guesses that Law is his dad after Law has been back to their home several times. David then makes the leap that Marnie might be his biological mother as well. He questions that, because he sees that Marnie and Law are attracted to each other. While David is enamored with Law, he remains concerned about Marnie. As the story ends, Marnie says that she knows she's lost David. Law says that he's certain David won't stay away many more days and might already be packing to return to Marnie's house.


Long Time Coming