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Marcus is the main character and the man who co-wrote this book. He was a Navy SEAL who was proud to serve his country, even if he had to give up his own life. He had a twin brother who also became a SEAL. Marcus was humble. He was a tall man who wasn't the fastest or best at everything he did, but he did have determination. He trained hard and fought tough. When he was young, his father was hard on him, teaching him how to overcome obstacles life threw at a person. While others might have thought this was particularly harsh, he knew his dad did it out of love. He had great respect for his fellow soldiers and he was sharp on the battlefield. Marcus had a strong faith in God. He also had a strong sense of honor, which he displayed on the battlefield and off. In spite of his own hardships, he went out of his way to speak to each of the families of his fallen comrades.

