London Labour and the London Poor

What is the main conflict in London Labour and the London Poor by Henry Mayhew?

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London Labour and the London Poor examines at length the various marginalized people one might have encountered on the streets of London during the mid- 1800s. These included street vendors of fruits, flowers, fish, sundries, meals and snacks. Another section details the lives of dustmen, crossing-sweepers, chimney sweeps and mudlarks, youngsters who pick up junk on the side of the river Thames. The book also examines street entertainers, cabdrivers and the homeless, as well as the less reputable members of society including thieves and prostitutes. Somewhat mysteriously, Mayhew also profiles bus drivers and conductors, although they are employees and not independent business people. In each case, Mayhew presents a general profile of the character and background of members of the profession.