

Describe Lonnie’s personality trait

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Lonnie is an 11-year-old boy who is living in foster care. His mother and father died in a fire, leaving Lonnie alone with his younger sister, Lili. Lonnie's mother called him Locomotion, which is the title of the novel. Lonnie seems to be a good child who is trying to figure out how to get along in his new world. He also seems to be maturing quickly because of the situation. For example, Lonnie figures out that he needs to act in certain ways to ensure that he gets to spend more time with Lili. He seems to resent Lili's foster mother for so closely restricting the time Lonnie and Lili can spend together, but he is willing to go to church and read the Bible to spend a few more hours a week with her. Lonnie is the sole narrator of the novel, and readers will have to decide whether he is a reliable narrator. While he seems to be honest about his feelings, he may not have the ability to accurately evaluate other characters and situations.