Krik? Krak!

In your opinion, why does Suzette observe her mother from a distance rather than making herself known to her? What conflicts do you notice in the story? Explain, using specific evidence from the text to support your ideas.

one paragraph response pg.74 to 80

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Last updated by Jill W
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Suzette seems to follow from a distance because she cannot believe her eyes. Her mother, the woman she sees strutting down the main streets of Manhattan, is not the woman she perceives her to be. Part of the reason Suzette follows her mother is to make sure that she is okay... to be there if she is needed. This aspect of Suzette's trailing her mother is pure love. In juxtoposition, Suzette comes to understand that it is this same kind of love that has led her mother to keep to herself. An example of this can be found in her mother's refusal to attend parent teacher meetings... something she perceives will embarrass her daughter.

“You’re so good anyway. What are they going to tell me? I don’t want to make you ashamed of this day woman. Shame is heavier than a hundred bags of salt”


Krik? Krak!