
In Jubilee by Margaret Walker Alexander, how do slaves handle their freedom?


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Many of the slaves were not prepared for the responsibilities of freedom. Vyry's son Jim is an example of the attitude that's seen among some of the slaves who believe that an end to slavery means an end to hard work. Many of these slaves have no education at all, are unable to support themselves except by manual labor, but expect that there's going to be some magical change in their lives that ends their need for hard work. There are exceptions such as Innis Brown who wants a farm of his own so that his hard work will benefit himself. Vyry is also an enterprising person and is willing to work hard in order to create a better life but Vyry also sees the need to better race relations and to create a better life for the next generation. There are those, such as Randall Ware, who are willing to become involved in politics but they soon discover that there is white opposition to that involvement. When Randall Ware is brutally beaten, he says that he'll do whatever they want. There are many whites who hate the fact that the blacks are free and they find ways to express their anger and hatred. The Ku Klux Klan is formed which forces the government to decide how to intervene in order to enforce the laws of freedom.

