Journey to Topaz

In what ways do the evacuated families show they are trying to make the best of a bad situation


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Despite oppressive surroundings people still function. Children play and families support each other. Family and family relationships are a dominant theme in the novel. The family structure is mirrored by the numerous straightforward friendships described in the narrative. Yuki has two primary friends in the novel, Mimi Nelson and Emi Kurihara. Ken has a close friend in Jim Hirai. Mrs. Sakane has close friends in Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Kurihara. Mr. Sakane has a close friendship with Mr. Toda. Mr. Toda has a close friendship, also, with Mr. Kurihara. These friendships weld the novel's characters into a network of support, which allows the characters to develop and enjoy an optimistic and forward-looking existence even in the midst of extreme adversity.