
Please provide a short summary of the essay, Something to Do, from the collection, Intimations?


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In the essay titled, Something To Do, Smith explores the idea of writing – and any hobby or passion – as being simply something to do to fill the time which appears otherwise endless and daunting. She discusses the way the pandemic caused people to pick up all sorts of pastimes and compares the work of essential workers to the work she does now, at home, as a writer. She finds that for her, even her job is more like a pastime and many others working essential jobs are doing the real work in American society, ensuring others can be safe, fed, and so on. “Suffering Like Mel Gibson” is the fourth essay, and similarly discusses the relativity of people’s positions in the pandemic, finding that though it can be tempting to compare suffering, it is essential to remember that suffering is absolute to the one who endures it.

