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The book is divided into thirty-one chapters. The chapters range from only a couple of pages in length to more than twenty pages in chapter twenty-three. . The titles are: How Unhappy They Were, Evidence, The Nature of Loss, What He Remembered, Hypothesis, Evidence, The Nature of Marriage, How the Night Passed, Hypothesis, The Nature of Love, What He Did Next, Evidence, Nature of the Beast, Hypothesis, What the Questions Were, Evidence, The Nature of Politics, Hypothesis, What Was Found, Evidence, The Nature of the Spirit, Hypothesis, Where They Looked, Hypothesis, Evidence, The Nature of the Dark, Hypothesis, How He Went Away, The Nature of the Angle, Evidence, and Hypothesis. Each of the chapters titled "Evidence" consists of a series of statements from various people related to the Wades, pieces of information such as the contents of John's magic kit, and details from fictional and real literary works. These details include quotes from authors on topics such as self-image and on other historical events, such as Custer's massacre of the Indian village. The chapter titled "Hypothesis" offers possible answers to the mystery of Kathy's death. These hypotheses range from John murdering Kathy to Kathy committing suicide to the two of them running away together. The book never resolves the questions.