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The story is told from Jacky's point of view and is entirely in the first person. Occasionally the author uses letters written to and from Jaimy and Jacky to shed light on the action that is taking place in Jacky's absence. The majority of Sections 1 and 2 are narration and flashback. Occasionally there are pieces of dialogue, but mainly the first two sections are meant for Jacky to explain how she got to where she is and to set up the plot. The pacing for the first half of the book is slow since most of the action is in the past tense.

The book is set out into four sections and 57 chapters. Section One introduces Jacky and tells the reader of her past adventures in the series. Section Two sets up the plot and begins the rising action. Section Three is the main body of the book, climax and falling action. Section Four is brief, only three chapters, and gives the book's resolution. It also sets up the next book in the series.


In the Belly of the Bloodhound: Being an Account of a Particularly Peculiar Adventure in the Life of Jacky Faber, BookRags