I Dared to Call Him Father

What is the main conflict in I Dared to Call Him Father by Bilquis Sheikh?

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I Dared to Call Him Father is the story of Bilquis Sheikh. Written by Bilquis Sheikh it is the story of her journey to Christianity. Bilquis Sheikh is a wealthy, upper-class woman living in a palatial home surrounded by a lush garden in Wah, Pakistan. Bilquis also known as the Begum is a wealthy, respected Muslim woman who is greatly respected and revered by the townspeople. In fact, she is well known throughout her entire country. Bilquis' family has been in what is considered the ruling or higher class for centuries. Bilquis is a practicing Muslim, having been raised in Islam from the time she was four years, four days and four hours old—the traditional moment that Arabic is taught to Muslim children which is essential for the study of Islam.