I Am Number Four

I Am Number Four

What happened just before John and Sam went to athens to rescue henri

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In Chapter 18, Henri makes the decision to drive to Athens before dinner with Sarah and her family. He promises to return in plenty of time, leaving the number and address with John. John can't explain the bad feeling he has. He sends Henri a text message but there is no answer and his worry increases. He decides that if he hasn't heard from Henri by five, he will go alone and figure out a plan as he goes along. He manages to make it through a dinner with more questions about his family and past than he has ever answered before. After dinner, Sarah asks him to pose with her family in the back yard, but John is so concerned now that another Legacy asserts itself and the lens of Sarah's camera shatters in her hand. He uses the momentary confusion to pull Sarah aside and tell her he has to go. Henri needs him.


I Am Number Four