I, Juan de Pareja


quotes from the book

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"'Poor little fellow,' murmured [Brother Isidro]. 'I will take him with me; they will care for him at the convent. And you, boy, you must pray and give thanks, and ask to be shown why God has chosen to save you. There is something He wants you to do; there is some duty He has laid upon you."' Chapter 1, pg. 15

"Now I had lived long enough and had heard enough from urchins my age and from other slaves, to distrust the person who calls himself merciful, or just, or kindly. Usually these are the most cruel, niggardly and selfish people, and slaves learn to fear the master who prefaces his remarks with tributes to his own virtues." Chapter 2, pg. 25

"'Learn to steal you food, like a Romany rye,' [Don Carmelo] told me, 'and I will teach you many useful tricks. But if you want to go hungry, sit and wait for your meal! It will not walk to you, I promise you that!"' Chapter 3, pg. 30

"'Tell me,' I stuttered, 'is Master good? Is he kind? Will he beat me? Oh, what will happen to me here?"' Chapter 3, pg. 39


I, Juan de Pareja